Monthly Archives: October 2013

Difference between: light honey and dark honey

Note: Although this piece was published in October of 2013 it was updated and slightly revised in December of 2017.

Honey is produced in every state and most countries. Over 300 different varieties are available to us in the US. And, it’s been used as a sweetener long before sugar became widely available.

Most of us probably pick honey off the grocery store shelf or farmers market booth without giving it much thought, but have you ever wondered about the difference between light honey and dark honey?

Kudos to my friend Jenny for suggesting this Difference Between post. Continue reading Difference between: light honey and dark honey

Difference between: olive oil and vegetable oil

Of course, this is one of the Difference Between posts that unavoidably delves into further subcategories, such as extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, corn oil, and so forth.

Mostly, though, I want to look at olive oil and vegetable oil, the two oils I would imagine to be the primary staples in the kitchen. As I’ve mentioned before, I typically do not differentiate between the two in my own recipes, assuming that they are virtually always interchangeable.

After doing my research today, I can honestly tell you I went out and bought some vegetable oil, and may on occasion use it instead of the olive oil that has a permanent home on my kitchen counter.

Continue reading Difference between: olive oil and vegetable oil