Monthly Archives: June 2018

The Flash Fiction Challenge: 3 More Short Stories…From Joe

In my last post, I revealed a Flash Fiction Challenge my coworker and I underwent. We created a 350-word (or less) story per day based off of’s Word of the Day. The word had to either be mentioned in the story somewhere or the story could be centered around the word.

I’ve shared three of my stories. Here are three of his.

a brown, black, and white dog lying in the grass
Joe’s dog, Bassi, because cute animals

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The Flash Fiction Challenge: Three of My Shortest Short Stories

Do you receive’s Word of the Day? I do, and I’ve thought for awhile now that it would be really awesome to do a flash fiction story with the Word of the Day.

I recently convinced my fellow writer friend/coworker Joe to embark on a 10 Days of Flash Fiction Challenge with me, so I thought I would share a few of our favorites. I’m including three of my stories here, and three of his in the next blog post.

And, bonus: For one of mine, I’m also going to share my brainstorming thoughts on how I came up with the idea in hopes of motivating other writers out there; I’ll share a tiny bit of background info for the other two.

Coming up with new ideas can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be if you keep your mind open and continue asking questions.

Disclaimer: I swear.

Continue reading The Flash Fiction Challenge: Three of My Shortest Short Stories